PD/EPD Online Portfolio Workshop

Here’s an example of what we will aim to produce during today’s online portfolio session:

https://epdpdonlineportfolio2019.wordpress.com (Public-Facing / Frontend)

https://epdpdonlineportfolio2019.wordpress.com/wp-admin (Admin / Backend)

You will need the following assets to start populating your sites.

1. logo image
2. image for header
3. images of two products
4. self-portrait
5. about/profile text (250 words)

If you didn’t bring these along download placeholder assets and use dummy text generator.

Session Outcomes

1] Set up (and activate) a free WordPress account.

2] Set up two browser tabs:

https://yourname.wordpress.com (Public-Facing / Frontend)

https://yourname.wordpress.com/wp-admin (Admin / Backend / Dashboard)

3] Activate themes i.e. Twenty Sixteen.

4] Clear default Widgets.

5] Delete default Posts and Pages.

6] Create Pages: ABOUT, CONTACT, PRODUCT #01, PRODUCT #02 … ad infinitum.

7] Create and set up a primary navigation Menu.

8] Add Pages to primary Menu, arrange Pages and implement Custom Link [hack] for dropdown menu purposes.

9] Customise website/theme appearance.

10] Add content (self-portrait image/profile text) to ABOUT page.

11] Add Contact Form to CONTACT Page, edit form and test functionality.

12] Upload images and edit ‘Title,’ ‘Caption,’ ‘ALT text’ and ‘Description’ fields.

13] Add content (text/images) to PRODUCT Page and and create image galleries.